Exhibition<시선: Gaze> Lexie Lin Solo Exhibition

‘시선: Gaze’ 7.8-7.14
Lexie Lin Solo Exhibition 개인전
Tokkigul 토끼굴 B1

Lexie Lin is an artist and event curator located in Taipei. Her work is experimental and contemplative, often moving between new styles and techniques to lead the audience into a space of contemplation and self-interpretation. Her solo show at KOTE’s Tokkigul (Rabbithole) is an extension of her Taipei show ‘Time-less’. 

‘시선: Gaze’ explores the feeling of captivation. When in love, we find ourselves unable to look away from our lover. Details become magnified, filling our attention and blurring reality and illusion together. 

Visitors will literally “fall down the Rabbithole”, descending Joseon Salon (@joseonsalon)’s stairs into a space where the smallest details become captivating and fascinating. 

<Your gaze is my rabbit hole

너의 시선은 나의 토끼굴이다.> 

Welcome to "시선: Gaze". We invite you into the indescribable visual allure of love.

Lexie and KOTE met thanks to ChatGPT! Before her trip to Seoul, Lexie Lin asked ChatGPT for information about galleries where she could have an exhibition, and ChatGPT delivered. 

Tokkigul 토끼굴 B1
KOTE Joseon Salon 조선살롱
Insadong1gil 7, Jongno-gu, Seoul
서울 종로구 인사동1길7